

On May 10,2008 at the Community College Rick Mudd gave our final computer class. This class was exciting we learned so many ideas and techniques to help us use our computers to our fullest. Rick made this class easy for everyone you didn't have to be a rocket scientist to understand. Our last task was to make a movie everyone had a blast. All the community members had stated their biggest wish was more TIME the class just wasn't long enough. To Rick Mudd your students would like to say a job well done and Thank you.

I would like to add that offering these computer classes to our communities can only strengthen our abilities. Learning is continuing education, everyone should continue to learn a new task, occupation or even a hobby and our communities will grow from this as well.
Christine Stanton
Hunters Horizon Board


Anonymous said...

Rick Mudd is one of the best and most dedicated teachers that there is in this world.

Anonymous said...

Great work.